Here's What I Saw

Movies I See. What I Think of Them.


QuartetWatched: Saturday, January 26, 2013

Rating: 3 stars

What I liked best: The soundtrack

What I liked least:  There wasn’t much to the story and it was a little slow.

Favourite character: Maggie Smith as Jean

Favourite scene:  Nothing stood out particularly.

Random thoughts:  This movie was sweet, but not especially memorable.  Good but not great.  It had believable characters and good music.  Despite the comedy, there’s a poignant background theme about the indignity of getting old — if you happen to live long enough to get old — that’s subtly done and seems to ring true.  There was a lot here that was quite lovely, actually, and the audience I was with applauded at the end, so maybe I’m being a little hard on it, but I found it a bit lacking.  Worth seeing though, if you don’t need a lot of action or drama to keep you interested.

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