Here's What I Saw

Movies I See. What I Think of Them.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spiderman 2Watched: Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Rating: 2.5 stars

Favourite character: Spiderman’s girlfriend

Random thoughts:  I really like Andrew Garfield in this.  Emma Stone too.  Actually, I love her character – she’s smart, she’s not a pushover for her boyfriend, she’s not a victim (except when she’s actually a victim, because hey, she’s a superhero girlfriend), and she knows what she wants.  And they’re cute in scenes together.  But Jamie Foxx – what are you doing?  Seriously.  The bad guys in this were silly, they were not well explained, and there were too many of them.

Overall, you can watch this and be entertained if you shut off your inner critic.  Calling it “good” would be a stretch though.

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